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Writer's pictureCosta

My Journey as a personal trainer during corona-virus times

I thought I knew myself pretty well… after 39 years living in my skin… Since I discovered sports and fitness and developed a passion for them 12 years ago, I never struggled with my motivation ever!

12 years ago was the start of my journey and that is what I want to share with you today.

At 27 years old, I was quite overweight. I was eating whatever I fancied at the time, never thinking of the consequences on my health and my physique. I was also pretty angry and aggressive, having trouble to rein in my temper and often getting involved in fights as a result. I was feeling uneasy in my own skin. I had the money to buy clothes but they never looked good on me, girls weren’t really interested in me and I really had a hard time to master a flight of stairs, never mind a run!

I was going from one day to the next without real plans. One day, as I was struggling to lace my shoes due to my belly getting in the way, I decided that something had to change. My life had to change.

And it started by me getting a grip on myself and on what went into my mouth. I started to train nearly everyday, without real knowledge or technique but consistently. I stopped eating sugar and drinking alcohol all together. Soon, the results started to show: I was losing 3 to 4 kilos every month consistently and discovered my muscles as the fat melted. Girls started to notice me. It felt good.

No, it felt GREAT! So I decided to acquire knowledge and studied basic nutrition and personal training to better achieve my goals and to keep the weight off. Having more discipline on food and training helped me to overcome my temper and to channel my aggressiveness into my sport and achieving my goals. I became calmer and a better person in the process. Now I rarely ever lose my cool. I graduated as a personal trainer as I wanted to share my findings with others who I knew were in the same situation. If I could do it, why couldn’t everyone? 45 kilos ago and the rest is history. Since then I have helped lots of people achieving their goal and making steps towards their dream bodies, be it in the gym as an instructor or as a personal trainer in one to one sessions.

I never again struggled with my motivation, having a very established routine and going to the gym everyday. Never until 3 months ago when my resolve and motivation were put on trial with the corona-virus crisis. Overnight the gyms were closed and going out was severely restricted. I could not train with anyone and was only allowed out one time a day like everybody else. I lost my job too in the process and had to take on a job at night at Tesco to earn a bit of money to keep me afloat. And that s when I started to struggle with my motivation for training. Working all night meant that I had very little sleep if I wanted to do my training and keep a daily routine. And I did not have a lot of equipment at home or a training partner. I also started to suffer from sugar cravings to compensate with the night work. I knew I was not going in the right direction. So I decided to start something I had never ever done before,: running. Although I was very fit and expert with weights and cardio training, running was something I hated with a passion. Yet, I could not see what else to do to keep me going until the gyms reopened. Of course I did some weights and workouts at home but I needed a challenge and something to get me out of the house. So I started running. Not long and not fast at the beginning then increasing the length and pace of my outings each time I went out ( twice a week at the beginning then everyday after a few weeks).

I decided to set myself goals and challenges for each day to keep it interesting and to progress at the same time. Sometimes 10 km fast, sometimes 20 slower. My goal was and still is to run marathon distance before the gyms reopen. And last week I did 30 km and felt good the next day to my everlasting surprise (I really thought I d struggle to walk the next day).

If I am talking about this now it is because I know what most people go through at the moment. The struggle to keep fit during pandemic times. I, like you, have to fight against myself everyday. And I understand how it feels. Some people see me as the iron man who does it easy and think I cannot understand them. Well I can. And I am telling you that you can be stronger than your excuses and that I am here to help you in your journey to self improvement and body transformation because I did it myself and because I am always fighting. I can be tough and sometimes people can be scared of training with me. Well, I am telling you that you can be stronger than your excuses and that I am there to help you along the way.

It is your decision!

I decided to started that blog to share more with you. And I am starting now with Enghin,

who has been trying for years and failing to lose weight and achieve body transformation. Today is the first day of our journey together and I will keep you posted about the progress and the changes we are making.

And who knows? Maybe it will inspire you too to start your journey to your dream body. If you can dream it, you can achieve it! Call me or PM me to get started too. I am here, I will listen and I will make sure that I do everything in my power to help you along the way. Keep you posted Keep your chins up Costa

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