After my 30- days running challenge I thought the best way to express myself would be to write down few words on a blog.
To start off I just want to say IT WAS NOT EASSY!! Not only physically as mentally too.
I am a men of the weights, I love working out and I love lifting weights. I find them more engaging and more "attractive". Cardio for me is something I would do, if I have to, but not if I have to choose it. Lock down 4 put me in a position of no choice; having home only 50 kg of weight and a pump bar wasn't so exciting anymore. So I had to challenged my body and get out of my comfort zone and the best way to do that was by running.
I you follow up on my past blogs, during the first lock down I have been running a lot, doing even a full marathon. so running wasn't so new for my body, what it was difficult it was the motivation.
Firstly, most of the time the weather was crap, the park where I usually run, was mostly flooded, and the new routs I found were moody (I don't like running in the city because of the pollution), but I DID IT by alternating outdoor running with indoor on the treadmill.
Secondly, after last year, when more than 80% of the time gyms were closed, my motivation dropped constantly, developing frustration on why it can't be normal, why I can't recompense my body with a good workout session in the gym, why I cant train my clients one to one on a gym floor and instead I have to see them only online, whys, whys , whys?! After long reflections, I realised the best think I can do is focus on myself and dedicate my time to keep my body in shape and mostly give an example to all that it can be done, and OMG the felling is amazing, believe me.
During then last month I've developed a discipline and made myself run a total of 327.5 km. I've realised that motivation can be something you might have today and lose it tomorrow, but discipline and consistency are always there. If you teach your body that you have to workout no matter what the level of motivation is you will achieve and will see results quickest.
My business is mainly online focused at the moment, and I can see most of my clients struggling with motivation. But what I am really proud of them is that they developed already the habit of working out, its comes like a normal part of their days, and believe me they are excelling in their goals.
To end up, the main purpose of this blog is to make you understand that no matter what happens out there the most important person in the world is you before anyone. You have to put your mask to breath first in order to be able to help the one around you. If you will fall in a huge hall of depression and unhappiness all the people around you will fell the same .
Fell free to drop us a message if you struggle with your motivation and need someone to guide you. We would be more than happy to help you.